Administrative Adjustment: 502 S 4th St W - Parking Incentives for Transit-Served Locations

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

UPDATE: On August 30, 2022 the Zoning Officer approved the administrative adjustment for parking incentives for transit-served locations. This case is now closed for comment.


The City of Missoula Development Services has received a request from Steve Adler of Adler Architects, Inc, representing the owner of the property, Pighorn, Inc., addressed 502 S 4th St W, for an Administrative Adjustment to decrease the number of required spaces for the property from 5 to 4. Title 20, Section 20.85.110.B.8 authorizes the zoning officer, after consulting with the City Engineer, to approve an administrative adjustment to approve up to a 15% reduction in the number of off-street parking spaces required for nonresidential uses located within 500 feet of a transit stop that is served at intervals of 30 minutes or less between 7:00 am and 9:00 am and between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

The subject property is zoned C1-4 (Neighborhood Commercial), which requires 2 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit and 1 space for every 480 square feet of commercial (office) space. Since the property utilizes shared parking, the residential parking spaces may be reduced by up to 50%, so 2 spaces are required for the dwelling units. The commercial office space is 1241 square feet, so they would be required to provide 2.6 spaces. However, since they are located within 500 feet of a transit stop that is served at intervals of 30 minutes or less at peak times, they are eligible for up to a 15% reduction in the number of required spaces, which brings their required spaces to 2.

The subject property is located in the Riverfront Neighborhood Council.


The application packet, staff report, and approval letter can be viewed here:


15-Day Noticing Period: August 15 – August 30, 2022

Administrative Action: August 30, 2022


Public comment will be taken by staff until the 15-day noticing period is closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, or by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802. Provide your comment by Monday, August 29, 2022 to be included in the staff report prepared by staff.


The project planner is Tara Osendorf. She can be reached at (406) 552-6085 or

Categories: Administrative Adjustment, Neighborhood: Riverfront, Ward 3
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