Category Neighborhood: Riverfront   Show all

  • Rezoning: 1200, 1224, 1228, 1244, 1136, and 1138 Montana Street

    Share Rezoning: 1200, 1224, 1228, 1244, 1136, and 1138 Montana Street on Facebook Share Rezoning: 1200, 1224, 1228, 1244, 1136, and 1138 Montana Street on Twitter Share Rezoning: 1200, 1224, 1228, 1244, 1136, and 1138 Montana Street on Linkedin Email Rezoning: 1200, 1224, 1228, 1244, 1136, and 1138 Montana Street link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: The rezoning request was approved on August 26, 2024. This case is now closed for comment.


    An application is under review for the rezoning of 1200, 1224, 1228, 1244, 1136, and 1138 Montana Street. The subject properties are located east of Russell Street and north of Wyoming Street. They are currently developed with six detached houses.

    The site is currently zoned R20 Residential, and the applicant is seeking to rezone to B2-2 Community Business. City Council will either approve or deny the rezoning request. The requested zoning district is a standard zoning district that applies equally to other areas of the City with the same zoning. City Council cannot subject the rezoning approval to conditions because State Law prohibits conditions to standard zoning districts.

    The existing R20 zoning district is considered low-density, allowing one detached house for every 20,000 square feet of parcel area. Based on an estimated area of 53,663 square feet, the current permitted density is two dwelling units. The district also requires the following setbacks: 20-foot front, 15-foot side, 12.5-foot street side, and 20-foot rear.

    The requested B2-2 zoning district is mixed-use low intensity business, allowing for 1 dwelling unit per every 1,000 square feet of parcel area. If zoned B2-2 this lot would permit a density of 53 dwelling units. There are no required setbacks in this zoning district, except when development abuts a Residential district. The eastern-most parcel does abut a residential zoning district and will be subject to setback requirements.

    The property is part of City Council Ward 3 and the River Front Neighborhood Council.


    Planning Board: Tuesday, July 30th, 2024, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing

    Land Use and Planning Committee: Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, (Time TBD) – Informational Meeting

    City Council: Monday, August 26th, 2024, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing, Final Consideration & Vote on Rezoning Request


    Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by June 5th, 2024 to be included in the staff report provided to Planning Board. Your comments will be considered by Planning Board and City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.

    All meetings will be held in a hybrid format. To attend the Planning Board meeting in person, please go to the Sophie Moiese Room on the first floor of the County Courthouse at 200 W Broadway Street. To attend the City Council public hearing in person, please go to Council Chambers at 140 W Pine Street. To attend the meeting virtually via Microsoft TEAMs, more information on how to attend will be posted here: link)


    The project planner is Alex Bramlette who can be reached at or (406) 552-6052.


    Public Meeting Agenda - How to Attend Virtual Meetings: (External link)

    City Private Development Page – Application:

    Title 20 Zoning Ordinance:

  • Administrative Adjustment: 1325 Montana St. - Parcel Area for One Additional Unit

    Share Administrative Adjustment: 1325 Montana St. - Parcel Area for One Additional Unit on Facebook Share Administrative Adjustment: 1325 Montana St. - Parcel Area for One Additional Unit on Twitter Share Administrative Adjustment: 1325 Montana St. - Parcel Area for One Additional Unit on Linkedin Email Administrative Adjustment: 1325 Montana St. - Parcel Area for One Additional Unit link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: The administrative adjustment request was approved on February 7, 2024. This case is now closed for comment.


    The City of Missoula Development Services has received a request from Mike Morgan of Hoffmann-Morgan Associates, representing Drake Lemm of 1325 Montana St, for an Administrative Adjustment to increase the number of dwelling units allowed from 16 to 17 units. Title 20 Zoning Code, Section 20.85.110.B.7 authorizes the zoning officer to approve an administrative adjustment to permit the construction of one (1) additional residential dwelling unit on a parcel that would otherwise be prohibited solely because the parcel does not comply with the minimum parcel area standards of the subject zoning district. A request can be made for an adjustment only if the existing parcel area is at least 95% of the required minimum area.

    The subject property is zoned B2-2 Community Business, which requires 1,000 square feet of parcel area per dwelling unit. The property is 16,250 square feet or 95.6% of the required 17,000 square feet needed for 17 dwelling units.

    If approved by the Zoning Officer, the parcel will be permitted to have 17 dwelling units instead of 16.


    The application packet can be viewed here:


    15-Day Noticing Period: January 23- February 7, 2024

    Administrative Action: February 7, 2024


    Public comment will be taken by staff until the 15-day noticing period is closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, or by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802. Provide your comment by Wednesday, February 7, 2024 to be included in the report prepared by staff.


    The project planner is Claire Lovelace. Claire can be reached at or (406) 552-6671.

  • Subdivision Exemption for 6+ Lots: Inez & Idaho Street

    Share Subdivision Exemption for 6+ Lots: Inez & Idaho Street on Facebook Share Subdivision Exemption for 6+ Lots: Inez & Idaho Street on Twitter Share Subdivision Exemption for 6+ Lots: Inez & Idaho Street on Linkedin Email Subdivision Exemption for 6+ Lots: Inez & Idaho Street link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: The subdivision exemption was approved by City Council on July 17th, 2023. This case is now closed for comment.


    An application is under review for a subdivision exemption involving six or more lots at the subject property at the intersection of Inez Street and Idaho Street, legally described as Lots 4-12 in Block 7 of Eddy Addition, located in Section 21, Township 13 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M. The proposal includes an aggregation from nine (9) to eight (8) lots and a boundary line relocation of the eight (8) lots, per MCA 76-3-207(f).

    Regulations in MCA 76-3-207(2) state that a subdivision exemption that “rearranges six or more lots must be reviewed and approved by the governing body”, which requires a public hearing and City Council decision prior to the filing of an amended plat.


    The application packet can be viewed here:


    The City Council public hearing is scheduled for July 10th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

    The Land Use and Planning Committee informational meeting is scheduled for July 12th, 2023 (time TBD)

    The City Council Final Consideration meeting is scheduled for July 17th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

    All meetings will be held in person with an option to attend remotely, with more information to be posted here:


    Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public meetings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by July 3rd, 2023, to be included in the staff report provided to City Council. Your comments may be considered by City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.


    The project planner is Tara Porcari. She can be reached at 552-6085, or

  • Administrative Adjustment: 502 S 4th St W - Parking Incentives for Transit-Served Locations

    Share Administrative Adjustment: 502 S 4th St W - Parking Incentives for Transit-Served Locations on Facebook Share Administrative Adjustment: 502 S 4th St W - Parking Incentives for Transit-Served Locations on Twitter Share Administrative Adjustment: 502 S 4th St W - Parking Incentives for Transit-Served Locations on Linkedin Email Administrative Adjustment: 502 S 4th St W - Parking Incentives for Transit-Served Locations link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: On August 30, 2022 the Zoning Officer approved the administrative adjustment for parking incentives for transit-served locations. This case is now closed for comment.


    The City of Missoula Development Services has received a request from Steve Adler of Adler Architects, Inc, representing the owner of the property, Pighorn, Inc., addressed 502 S 4th St W, for an Administrative Adjustment to decrease the number of required spaces for the property from 5 to 4. Title 20, Section 20.85.110.B.8 authorizes the zoning officer, after consulting with the City Engineer, to approve an administrative adjustment to approve up to a 15% reduction in the number of off-street parking spaces required for nonresidential uses located within 500 feet of a transit stop that is served at intervals of 30 minutes or less between 7:00 am and 9:00 am and between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

    The subject property is zoned C1-4 (Neighborhood Commercial), which requires 2 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit and 1 space for every 480 square feet of commercial (office) space. Since the property utilizes shared parking, the residential parking spaces may be reduced by up to 50%, so 2 spaces are required for the dwelling units. The commercial office space is 1241 square feet, so they would be required to provide 2.6 spaces. However, since they are located within 500 feet of a transit stop that is served at intervals of 30 minutes or less at peak times, they are eligible for up to a 15% reduction in the number of required spaces, which brings their required spaces to 2.

    The subject property is located in the Riverfront Neighborhood Council.


    The application packet, staff report, and approval letter can be viewed here:


    15-Day Noticing Period: August 15 – August 30, 2022

    Administrative Action: August 30, 2022


    Public comment will be taken by staff until the 15-day noticing period is closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, or by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802. Provide your comment by Monday, August 29, 2022 to be included in the staff report prepared by staff.


    The project planner is Tara Osendorf. She can be reached at (406) 552-6085 or

  • Rezoning: Mill Site Special Zoning District Amendment

    Share Rezoning: Mill Site Special Zoning District Amendment on Facebook Share Rezoning: Mill Site Special Zoning District Amendment on Twitter Share Rezoning: Mill Site Special Zoning District Amendment on Linkedin Email Rezoning: Mill Site Special Zoning District Amendment link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: On November 15th, 2021 City Council adopted the ordinance to amend the Mill Site Special District Zoning. This case is now closed for comment.


    An application is under review for rezoning of the Mill Site Special Zoning District. The subject property is located in the Mill Site Subdivision surrounding Wyoming Street, between California and Hickory Street on the south side of the Clark Fork River. The property is located in the Riverfront Neighborhood Council and City Council Ward 3.

    The rezone request is for an amendment to the Mill Site Special Zoning District standards in Subdistrict B/C to remove a restriction on the types of uses that are allowed on the street level along Moose Creek Trail between Wyoming and Silver Parkway and along Silver Parkway between Moose Creek Trail and Big Timber Lane. Currently, the allowed uses include restaurants/cafés, restaurants with cabaret license, taverns/nightclubs, retail trades, and sidewalk cafés. The proposal requests eliminating that restriction and allowing any of the uses that are otherwise allowed in Subdistrict B/C.

    A special zoning district is an area that has adopted a specific set of regulations, in addition to or in place of standard city zoning regulations, to achieve an intentional pattern of development and design. To modify a section of the zoning ordinance for the special district the entire ordinance must be amended; however, staff is only reviewing the proposed change to Subdistrict B/C with this request.

    City Council will either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the rezoning request.


    Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by Friday October 8th, 2021, to be included in the staff report provided to Planning Board. Your comments may be considered by Planning Board and City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.

    All meetings will be virtually via Zoom, with more information to be posted here: link)


    The project planner is Emily Gluckin. She can be reached at (406) 552-6625 or


    Planning Board: Tuesday October 19th, 2021, at 6:00 pm – Public hearing

    City Council: Monday October 25th, 2021, at 6:00 pm – Consent agenda / first reading of ordinance / set city council public hearing / refer item to Land Use and Planning Committee

    City Council: Monday November 8, 2021, at 6:00 pm – City Council public hearing

    Land Use and Planning Committee: Wednesday November 10th, 2021 (Time TBD) – Informational meeting only

    City Council: Monday November 15th, 2021, at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration on rezoning ordinance


    Public Meeting Agenda - How to Attend Virtual Meetings:

    Rezone Application - City Private Development Page867:

    Mill Site Special Zoning District Ordinance:

    Title 20 Zoning Ordinance:

  • Subdivision Exemption: Boundary Line Relocation of Block 6 in Mill Site Phase 1 - Wyoming North Subdivision

    Share Subdivision Exemption: Boundary Line Relocation of Block 6 in Mill Site Phase 1 - Wyoming North Subdivision on Facebook Share Subdivision Exemption: Boundary Line Relocation of Block 6 in Mill Site Phase 1 - Wyoming North Subdivision on Twitter Share Subdivision Exemption: Boundary Line Relocation of Block 6 in Mill Site Phase 1 - Wyoming North Subdivision on Linkedin Email Subdivision Exemption: Boundary Line Relocation of Block 6 in Mill Site Phase 1 - Wyoming North Subdivision link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: On June 7, 2021 City Council approved the subdivision exemption. This case is now closed for comment.


    An application is under review for a boundary line relocation subdivision exemption for Lots 6-18 in Block 6 of the Millsite Phase 1 - Wyoming North Subdivision. The proposal includes the rearrangement of the boundaries between the 13 existing lots that were established during the original subdivision of the land.

    Montana state law authorizes boundary line relocations to be exempt from subdivision review, but still subject to compliance with municipal regulations. Boundary line relocations of five or fewer lots are reviewed and approved administratively by City Staff. Per MCA 76-3-207(2), the rearrangement of six or more lots may occur when reviewed and approved by the governing body (City Council). The boundary line relocation must maintain compliance with the conditions of the approved subdivision and with local zoning requirements.


    The application packet can be viewed here:


    The City Council public hearing is scheduled for May 24th, 2021 at 6:00 PM.

    The Land Use and Planning Committee informational meeting is scheduled for May 26th, 2021 (time TBD).

    The City Council final consideration meeting is scheduled for June 7th, 2021 at 6:00 PM.

    Each meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. For more information on how to attend a virtual meeting, visit:


    Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting. Provide your comment by May 18th, 2021 to be included in the staff report provided to City Council. Your comments may be considered by City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.


    The project planner is Emily Gluckin. She can be reached at 406-552-3091, or

  • Conditional Use for Group Living: Hogan Senior Living at 234 South 6th Street West

    Share Conditional Use for Group Living: Hogan Senior Living at 234 South 6th Street West on Facebook Share Conditional Use for Group Living: Hogan Senior Living at 234 South 6th Street West on Twitter Share Conditional Use for Group Living: Hogan Senior Living at 234 South 6th Street West on Linkedin Email Conditional Use for Group Living: Hogan Senior Living at 234 South 6th Street West link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: On May 17th, 2021 City Council approved this request with conditions. This case is now closed for comment.


    An application is under review for a group living conditional use at 246 S 6th St W, 234 S 6th St W, and 228 S 6th St W in Missoula. If approved, the proposed senior group living project will consist of one building with 36 sleeping units, comprised of 13 one-bedroom units and 23 studio units with shared kitchen, dining, and living spaces. The project’s intent is to create attainable, accessible housing for seniors. The facility will apply for an age restriction of 55+ under the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 (HOPA). City Council may vote to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request for the casino and tavern uses.


    The application packet can be viewed here:

    Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions document for this project to find out information about the conditional use process, decision making criteria, and group living.


    City Council: May 10th, 2021 at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing

    Land Use and Planning Committee: May 12th, 2021 (Time TBD) – Informational Meeting Only

    City Council: May 17th, 2021 at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration

    All meetings will be virtually via Zoom, with more information to be posted here:


    Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting. Provide your comment by April 26th, 2021, to be included in the staff report provided to the Planning Board. Your comments may be considered by the Planning Board and City Council in their decision to approve, approve with conditions, or deny this request.


    The project planner is Kaitlin McCafferty. She can be reached at (406) 552-6085, or

  • Public Forum: Missoula County Elections Center

    Share Public Forum: Missoula County Elections Center on Facebook Share Public Forum: Missoula County Elections Center on Twitter Share Public Forum: Missoula County Elections Center on Linkedin Email Public Forum: Missoula County Elections Center link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: On February 25th, 2021 the Public Forum took place and was concluded. This case is now closed for comment.


    Missoula County has requested a public forum for an exemption from the zoning requirements of the Design Excellence Overlay at 140 N. Russell Street. The exemptions pertain to build-to-width requirements, parking lot setback and placement, and landscaping design. The proposal includes the modification of an existing parking lot and the addition of new parking on the property. The site contains two existing buildings that house the Missoula County Elections Center.

    The City of Missoula Board of Adjustment is authorized by state law to hold a public hearing, known as a public forum, when a public agency proposes to use public land contrary to the local zoning regulations. In this case, Missoula County is proposing to use land differently than City zoning regulations require. The Board of Adjustment does not have the power to deny or condition the approval of the project. The proposed use is permitted regardless of the outcome of the hearing. However, we invite you to submit public comment stating your opinion on the proposal.


    The application packet can be viewed here:


    The public forum will be held by the Board of Adjustment on February 24th, 2021 at 6:00 PM. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. For more information on how to attend a virtual meeting, visit:


    Public comment will be taken until the public hearing is closed. Provide your comment by February 16th, 2021 to be included in the staff report provided to the Board of Adjustment. You may submit comment by email, phone, in the comments section below, or at the public hearing.


    The case planner is Emily Gluckin. She can be reached at 406-552-3091, or

  • Adaptive Reuse Overlay Rezoning: 508 S 3rd St W

    Share Adaptive Reuse Overlay Rezoning: 508 S 3rd St W on Facebook Share Adaptive Reuse Overlay Rezoning: 508 S 3rd St W on Twitter Share Adaptive Reuse Overlay Rezoning: 508 S 3rd St W on Linkedin Email Adaptive Reuse Overlay Rezoning: 508 S 3rd St W link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    UPDATE: On September 2nd, City Council adopted the ordinance to rezone this property. This case is now closed for comment.


    An application is under review for a request to rezone the property located at 508 S. 3rd Street West to apply the /AR Adaptive Reuse Overlay. The property is currently zoned C1-4 Neighborhood Commercial with the /DE-C Design Excellence Corridor Typology 2 Overlay.

    The applicant makes this request in anticipation of increasing the number of units in the existing multi-dwelling building from sixteen (16) to twenty-two (22) dwelling units, which will exceed the allowed density under the current zoning. A project within the /AR District may exceed the maximum density established by the underlying zoning district for the parcel, so long as the added density is allowable by building code.

    The building is a contributing building to the Southside Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places, is eligible for individual listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and is listed on Missoula’s Local Inventory of Historic Resources. The applicant plans to restore and renovate the building using the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for historic building rehabilitation.

    Based on these historical characteristics, the Historic Preservation Commission and the Historic Preservation Officer determined that the project qualifies for the /AR District Overlay.


    The application packet can be viewed here:

    For more information about the /AR Adaptive Reuse Overlay, click here:


    The Planning Board public hearing is scheduled for August 4, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

    The Land Use and Planning Committee informational meeting is scheduled for August 19, 2020 (time TBD).

    The City Council public hearing is scheduled for August 24, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

    All meetings will be held virtually via Zoom, with more information to be posted here:


    Written public comment will be taken by the City Council until the public hearings are closed. Provide your comment by July 24th to be included in the staff report provided to the Planning Board.


    The project planner is Emily Gluckin. She can be reached at 406-552-3091 or