Rezoning Request from RT10 to RT5.4 at 2160 Carol Ann Ct

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


An application is under review for rezoning of property located at 2160 Carol Ann Court. The property is located one parcel East of the intersection of South Curtis Street and Carol Ann Court. It is currently developed with a single, detached house. The site is currently zoned RT10 Residential (two-unit/townhouse). The applicant is seeking to change the zoning to RT5.4 Residential (two-unit/townhouse). City Council will either approve or deny the rezoning request. The requested zoning district is a standard zoning districts that applies equally to other areas of the City with the same zoning. City Council cannot subject the rezoning approval to conditions because State Law prohibits conditions to standard zoning districts.

The RT10 zoning district permits detached house, duplex, and two-unit townhouse residential building types. The required setbacks are 20 feet in front and rear, 7.5 feet on interior sides, and 10 feet on street sides. The maximum height is 30 feet. This zoning district permits a density of 4 dwelling units per acre.

The RT5.4 zoning district permits all the same residential building types and uses as the RT10 zoning district, with the addition of Residential Storage Warehouse with Conditional Use approval. The required setbacks and maximum height are the same as the RT10 zoning district. This zoning district permits a density of 8 dwelling units per acre.

The subject property is in the River Road Neighborhood and Council Ward 6.


Planning Board: Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing
City Council: Monday, January 9, 2023, at 6:00 – Consent Agenda, 1st reading of ordinance, set Council Public Hearing, & refer item to Land Use and Planning Committee
City Council: Monday, January 23, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing
Land Use and Planning Committee: Wednesday, January 25, 2023, (Time TBD) – Informational Meeting
City Council: Monday, February 6, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration & Vote on Rezoning Request


Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by Wednesday, December 21, 2022, to be included in the staff report provided to Planning Board. Your comments may be considered by Planning Board and City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.

All meetings will be virtually via Zoom, with more information to be posted here: (External link)

The project planner is Madson Matthias. They can be reached at (406) 552-6093 or

Categories: Rezoning, Neighborhood: River Road, Ward 6
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