Historic Preservation Permit: Fort Missoula Commons (Post Hospital) – 3255 Lt. Moss Rd.
UPDATE: On May 3, 2023 the Historic Preservation Commission voted to deny the historic preservation permit for the Fort Missoula Commons project.
City of Missoula Community Planning, Development, and Innovation has received a complete application for an Historic Preservation Permit for the Post Hospital parcel located at 3255 Lt. Moss Rd. within the Fort Missoula Historic District and Historic Fort Missoula Neighborhood Character Overlay. The property is subject to review by the Missoula Historic Preservation Commission pursuant to Section 20.85.085 and 20.25.070 of the Missoula Title 20 Zoning Code.
The proposal includes restoration of the historic Post Hospital building, demolition of the existing garage structure, and new construction on the parcel.
Review criteria for Historic Preservation Permits for alterations and new construction can be found in Section 20.85.085.H of the Missoula Title 20 Zoning Code. Additional review criteria for the Historic Fort Missoula Neighborhood Character Overlay can be found in Section 20.25.070 of the Missoula Title 20 Zoning Code. Review criteria for demolition of historic resources can be found in Section 20.85.085.J of the Missoula Title 20 Zoning Code.
The project application can be found here.
Historic Preservation Commission Public Hearing: April 5, 2023 at 6:00 pm
The Historic Preservation Commission will meet again on this project on May 3, 2023 at 6:00 pm
All meetings will be held in a hybrid format, in person at the City Council Chambers at 140 W. Pine St. and virtually via Microsoft TEAMS, with more information posted here: https://www.ci.missoula.mt.us/1149/AgendasWebcastsMinutes.
Public comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula – CPDI office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public hearings. Provide your comments by March 28th, 2023, to be included in the staff report to the Historic Preservation Commission.
The project planner is Elizabeth Johnson, Historic Preservation Officer. She can be reached at 406-552-6638 or JohnsonE@ci.missoula.mt.us