Our Missoula Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Thank you for taking time to read through these Frequently Asked Questions. There is also a form you can use to submit a new question to be considered for addition to this list.

  • Why is this happening now?

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    The City of Missoula is a desirable place to live and will continue to attract new people and investments. Since the creation of the initial Growth Policy, social, political and economic conditions have changed significantly. Particularly since the start of the pandemic. We must revisit the Growth Policy to ensure that:

    • the big picture goals for future growth reflect the City’s emerging issues
    • the big picture for future growth reflects our community’s most important priorities--such as equity, housing, and sustainability
    • the zoning and development code helps us achieve, and are not a barrier to, our shared community goals.
  • What is a Growth Policy (GP) and why is it important?

    Share What is a Growth Policy (GP) and why is it important? on Facebook Share What is a Growth Policy (GP) and why is it important? on Twitter Share What is a Growth Policy (GP) and why is it important? on Linkedin Email What is a Growth Policy (GP) and why is it important? link

    The Growth Policy is the foundational document that cities in Montana use to:

    1. Highlight community priorities for future growth.

    2. Put in place long-term land use strategies that aim to address the City's emerging issues and challenges.

    3. Align development rules and regulations with community priorities and City plans.

    The policy is generally responsible for guiding plans for future urban growth and development over the next 20 years. Missoula’s current Growth Policy was adopted in 2015.

  • Why Does the City need a Growth Policy Update?

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    State law requires that every five years, cities review their growth policy. This is to consider whether it still accurately reflects their community's vision. Missoula is experiencing a variety of challenges and pressing issues such as:

    • Rising housing costs
    • Housing supply not keeping up with demand
    • Limited land to expand into
    • Worsening effects of climate change

    The Growth Policy Update is an opportunity to refocus the Growth Policy in a way that best tackles the City’s current challenges. The goal is to also put in place a deeper and more inclusive community engagement approach throughout the process.

  • What community priorities will the Growth Policy Update address?

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    Much of the Growth Policy that was adopted in 2015 remains relevant and is an important expression of the community’s values and priorities. Yet, the intention is for the Growth Policy Update to address issues that have evolved or have become more pressing in recent years. These issues include but are not limited to:

    • Social, cultural, and racial inequities

    • Housing shortages and the rise in housing costs

    • The accelerating effects of climate change

    The Our Missoula process will seek the community’s input to further define and focus on these issues.

  • What is a Zoning and Development Code and why is it important?

    Share What is a Zoning and Development Code and why is it important? on Facebook Share What is a Zoning and Development Code and why is it important? on Twitter Share What is a Zoning and Development Code and why is it important? on Linkedin Email What is a Zoning and Development Code and why is it important? link

    The zoning code includes regulations that determine how land is used and developed. More specifically, it determines what types of development can be built in different areas (or “zones”) of a city and regulates the shape and size of parcels and buildings. Historically, zoning codes were primarily used to separate incompatible uses to ensure, for example, that housing is not developed next door to a loud, polluting factory.

    More recently, zoning codes are also used as a tool for guiding growth that meets shared community goals, such as affordable housing or livability with an emphasis on “placemaking” rather than just use and form. Unfortunately, zoning codes often also include outdated and discriminatory rules that contribute to racial and economic segregation and other social equity issues. That’s why it is important for the City to keep the code up to date and remove unnecessary or harmful rules.

    In addition to the Zoning Code, the City has many other regulations that guide the design of streets, open space, utilities, drainage, and other development-related issues. These regulations, often referred to as development codes, will also be addressed in the Comprehensive Code Reform project.

  • Why does the City need to update its Zoning and Development Codes?

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    There are three reasons why the City needs to update its zoning code and other development regulations:

    • The code is not regulating development in a way that advances the community’s current goals. A new Growth Policy was adopted in 2015 that set new goals for how the City will grow and change, but the code has not been significantly amended. The city and residents have observed that the code often gets in the way of development that would help achieve those shared goals.

    • Community priorities are evolving. A Growth Policy Review occurred in fall of 2021. In the Growth Policy Review, the City identified that community needs and priorities have changed in recent years. The Growth Policy Review emphasized the need to update the code. This was to ensure alignment between city policies and regulations that guide development. These reasons are why the Growth Policy Update is starting now.

    • The code is confusing and difficult to use for residents, businesses, and City staff. Rules and regulations are spread across too many different sections. Some rules conflict with other rules, causing confusion about which rule applies. And the various sections are not well-organized, making it difficult to find information.

    The City is embracing the opportunity to reorganize and reform the code. This will give the City better tools for encouraging development that contributes to shared community goals. Examples of these goals are affordable housing, equity, and climate change mitigation. It will also make the code more clear and easier to use for residents and businesses.

  • What will the Code reform do and not do?

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    The code reform project will be intentionally designed to have a positive impact on many facets of new development. This may mean allowing more housing in places that allow people to live in closer proximity to where they work, shop, and find services. It can also mean promoting more housing diversity and affordability. Or that homeowners have better options for renovating their properties. The code reform can also improve how buildings integrate with the surrounding neighborhood. Lastly, code updates can improve the type and quality of public amenities that are included with new development. This includes streets, trails, and parks.

    The development code is a set of rules and regulations that apply when a development project or alterations to a property are proposed. It does not require anyone to build or change their property retroactively. For example, the code cannot require a property owner to go back and provide affordable housing or a new park.

    The current housing crisis in Missoula is an urgent issue that the code reform will address to achieve community goals. It is just one of many City tools available. For example, the City builds public infrastructure like streets and trails, and develops new parks. The City also provides financial incentives to property owners to build or provide amenities that directly or indirectly benefit the community alongside their projects. These tools work in concert with the development codes to encourage development that meets community needs.

  • How will the Code Reform affect housing issues?

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    A development code has a direct influence on the growth, shape, and affordability of housing. The code sets limits on the types of housing that can be built in different locations, how large a building can be, and how many homes can be on a given site. These rules were put in place for a purpose. But in some

    cases, they may unnecessarily constrain the ability to provide housing the community needs. During the code update process, the City will check how the current code affects housing development, recommend changes to remove unnecessary barriers, and encourage housing that meets high priority needs.

  • What is a Future Land Use Map and how will it be used?

    Share What is a Future Land Use Map and how will it be used? on Facebook Share What is a Future Land Use Map and how will it be used? on Twitter Share What is a Future Land Use Map and how will it be used? on Linkedin Email What is a Future Land Use Map and how will it be used? link

    A Future Land Use Map (FLUM) assigns land use types, commonly referred to as land use designations, throughout the city based on the community's vision expressed in the Growth Policy. For example, if the community envisions adding residential uses in an area where only commercial uses are currently allowed, the future land use map might assign a mixed-use land use designation to guide the area’s evolution. The FLUM informs how the zoning and development code should regulate different areas of the city and influences updates to rules and regulations accordingly.

    The FLUM is non-regulatory and serves as the policy basis for the City’s Official Zoning Map whereas the Zoning Map is regulatory and indicates where specific zone districts apply. For example, if the FLUM designates an area for “Low Density Residential,” the zoning map might assign different zone districts in the area that guide different “flavors” of “Low Density Residential” that might include zone districts with minimum lot areas of 15,000 square feet, 10,000 square feet and 7,500 square feet. Whatever the “flavor” of a zoning district, it must always adhere to the general designation of the FLUM.

  • How can/will the community be involved?

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    The City will follow a process that is accessible to all and provides many opportunities for residents to engage; here are some of the ways Missoulians can be involved.

    Just want to stay in the loop? Sign up for project updates on the right side of this page.

    Interested in attending an event? See what’s coming up here.

    Have other questions or want to set up a 1-on-1 meeting with someone from the project team? Contact us using the information on the right side of this page.

    There are many points within this project when your feedback will help influence the Unified Development Code and Growth Policy Update. It is critical to understand the top priorities for Missoula residents such as:

    Creating more affordable housing options.

    Preserving natural and working lands, etc., particularly because there will inevitably be trade-offs between different priorities. Your feedback and evaluation of different strategies for future growth will be what drives the ultimate set of recommendations and strategies that will be adopted by City Council.

    This is your opportunity to help shape the future of your city. How it grows and provides housing, jobs, and opportunities for all Missoula residents to thrive. Because this is an important project, you will be asked for your input and priorities many times throughout the process.

    The Our Missoula project will impact residents by providing the criteria that future development must use for:

    Building new housing.

    Building new commercial areas.

    Building other amenities necessary to live, work and play.

Page last updated: 11 Oct 2024, 03:51 PM