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The Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)works to plan a safe transportation network for the Missoula area to ensure we have a comprehensive, cooperative, and connected transportation system. Every four years, the MPO updates the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Missoula urban area.
The 30-year plan looks at all modes of transportation toidentify priorities for projects and programs, as well as how funding should be allocated. Relying on previous planning work and community outreach, the LRTP update integrates existing plans and projects, envisioning a resilienttransportation network that improves access and mobility for all Missoula area residents, workers, and visitors.
How to Get Involved
Your involvement is important to this planning process, and we want to hear from you. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and ideas for Missoula’s transportation system. You can leave a comment at the bottom of this Engage page.
Transit and Transportation Virtual Open House Recording
Watch our recorded Transit and Transportation Virtual Open House to learn more about the creation of the LRTP recommended project list. This video provides an in-depth look at how the MPO, in collaboration with community partners and public input, identified and prioritized projects to improve mobility, safety, and connectivity across the region.
If you have any issues accessing the video above, please reach out to us directly.
Missoula LRTP Recommended Project List and Map
As part of the LRTP planning process, the MPO has developed a comprehensive list of recommended projects to address the region's future transportation needs. This list was shaped through community input, technical analysis, and collaboration with agency partners to balance regional priorities with fiscal constraints. The recommendations prioritize projects that enhance safety, improve active transportation, maintain and preserve existing infrastructure, and support multimodal connectivity while considering the region’s limited funding. Some projects are classified as grant-contingent or illustrative due to funding or feasibility constraints, ensuring flexibility to adapt to future opportunities.
The full project list can be explored through the Story Map embedded below. To view the Story Map in full screen click here.
An interactive project map can be found here, which allows for filtering projects by recommendation. This map also includes project extents, descriptions, and costs. The full project list can also be found here in PDF format.
To leave a comment in regard to the Recommend Project List, leave a comment at the bottom of thisEngage Pageor by clicking the link here.
Recommended Programs and Policies
The LRTP also allows the MPO to identify priorities for programs and policies that support the region's transportation needs. A draft list of these initiatives is available for public review here. Building on the recommendations from the previous LRTP, the MPO continues to focus on key next steps, including implementing the recently developed Street Typologies and addressing future study needs that will require collaboration with partners and additional funding. The plan also emphasizes publishing toolkits to guide the implementation of neighborhood greenways, traffic calming and speed management, and complete street pop-up projects.
The following programs and policies emerged as near-term priorities:
Prioritize funding improvements for Safe Routes to School.
Identify pathways to prioritize snow removal and sweeping for all modes.
Update the maintenance database to improve pavement conditions.
Publish toolkits to implement neighborhood greenways and safety countermeasures.
Implement recently developed street typologies and design guidelines.
Advance Transportation Demand Management (TDM) efforts with Code Reform.
Partner with organizations to improve community health through mobility options.
Eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries through Vision Zero efforts.
The full list of draft recommendations can be viewed here.
2023 Existing Conditions Report and Executive Summary
As we progress through the LRTP update we will share project documents as they are completed. These documents are located on the right side of this page, under "Planning Documents."
The Existing Conditions Report provides a comprehensive overview of Missoula’s regional planning context, focusing on population and employment patterns. It evaluates the current state of the transportation network, including roadways, transit, and multimodal infrastructure. This report lays the groundwork for future recommendations and improvements in Missoula's regional planning and transportation systems. The Executive Summary condenses the key findings of the Existing Conditions Report. It highlights important aspects of Missoula’s demographics, transit system performance, and multimodal transportation conditions, including roadways, bicycle, and pedestrian networks. This summary serves as a quick reference to the broader report’s insights, supporting the development of future plans and recommendations.
Public Engagement and Outreach
Engagement for this LRTP update and Transit Strategic Plan (TSP)is being conducted in three phases with a focus on communicating with a wide range of community voices in the Missoula area. Each phase was designed to gather and apply public feedback to aid in planning for Missoula’s transit and transportation needs. Phases I and II have been completed, while Phase III will be conducted during the first three weeks of December, providing the community an opportunity to see how public participation has shaped the planning process.
Phase I outreach spanned from April to June 2024with a focus on listening to the community’s transportation concerns and hopes for the future. This phase aimed to create awareness of the LRTP and TSP planning efforts as well as gather information on transportation needs/challenges and desired improvements. A variety of engagement activities were performed in Phase I, including:
Conducting discussion group meetings with organizations like the Diversity Advisory Council and the Midtown Implementation Committee.
Five advisory group meetings and six community partnership meetings.
Tabling events at the University of Montana, Missoula Farmers Market, and Downtown ToNight.
The feedback gathered from Phase I was used in the development of recommendations and potential projects which were presented to the public in Phase II. Phase II outreach wasconducted from July to September 2024, and focused on soliciting feedback from the community on the proposed recommendations and list of potential projects. Outreach activities in this phase included:
Attendance at seven general and neighborhood meetings, such as the Bonner Milltown Community Council and River Road Neighborhood Council General Meetings.
A virtual stakeholder workshop in Septemberwith community organizations to talk about and discuss potential transportation improvements.
One-on-one meetings with eleven community groups such as Missoula County Public Schools, Partnership Health Center, and Missoula Aging Services.
Tabling at 16 local schools and community events.
A public open house held in September where approximately 48 attendees engaged with interactive stations, comment cards, and one-on-one discussions with planners and staff.
An online public survey allowing the community to provide feedback on the proposed recommendations and potential projects. Altogether, 640 people participated.
Feedback received during this phase of outreach was used to refine the recommendations and develop the final project list.
MPO staff share information about the LRTP and collect feedback on projects at Missoula Sunday Streets.
MPO and Mountain Line staff share plan information and collect feedback at Missoula First Friday and Free Cycles.
What We've Heard So Far
As work on the LRTP continues we've learned about your vision for the future of the Missoula area and your ideas for solutions to help respond to current challenges. We heard that you want safe, comfortable, and reliable ways to get around the region. For some, that means better biking connections or safer places to walk; for others, that means a reliable way to drive or an efficient trip to work and services in transit. We know that when transportation is integrated with land use, we can support future growth and enhance the local economy without straining the transportation system or creating negative environmental impacts for future generations. As we grow, we need a transportation system that keeps pace—one that reflects our community’s character and supports a more livable, equitable, and sustainable region.
The LRTP includes five goals that reflect the needs, priorities, and outcomes of our region.
What's Next for the LRTP Update
The transportation values Missoula area residents have shared with us have shaped the foundation of this LRTP update. As we continue work on the plan in the coming months, we are focused on providing recommended projects, programs, and a draft final document for review.
We encourage you to continue to share your visions for the future of transportation in the region, along with ideas to make traveling in the Missoula area easier and safer.
The LRTP process identifies recommended transportation scenarios and projects.
The MPO Planning and Urbanized Areas
The Missoula MPO utilizes several boundaries to determine the scope and extent of the work outlined within the LRTP. Some Missoula County residents living outside city limits are within the MPO Planning Area and Urbanized Area.
The MPOPlanning Area is Missoula’s 20-year projected growth area. Within the Planning Area is the Urbanized Area; a federal designation based on census data. The MPO can spend Federal Highway Administration Urban Funds on infrastructure and services within this boundary. The Urbanized Area is larger than the extent of the City – meaning some County residents live in the Urbanized Area.
You can use our map below (or click here to open in a new tab) to find out if you live within the MPO Planning Area or Urbanized Area. The LRTP Project Mapshows the current projects included within the LRTP and their extent in the region.
The LRTP planning process extends beyond city limits and includes portions of Missoula County.
Mountain Line Transit Strategic Plan
The Missoula MPO's LRTP is being planned concurrently with Mountain Line's Transit Strategic Plan. To learn more about the Transit Strategic Plan and leave comments related to transit service in Missoula, please visit their Engage Missoula page.
Share your questions and ideas for Missoula’s transportation system below. Return to this page, or subscribe on the right, as we continue to share project updates in the coming months.
The Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)works to plan a safe transportation network for the Missoula area to ensure we have a comprehensive, cooperative, and connected transportation system. Every four years, the MPO updates the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Missoula urban area.
The 30-year plan looks at all modes of transportation toidentify priorities for projects and programs, as well as how funding should be allocated. Relying on previous planning work and community outreach, the LRTP update integrates existing plans and projects, envisioning a resilienttransportation network that improves access and mobility for all Missoula area residents, workers, and visitors.
How to Get Involved
Your involvement is important to this planning process, and we want to hear from you. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and ideas for Missoula’s transportation system. You can leave a comment at the bottom of this Engage page.
Transit and Transportation Virtual Open House Recording
Watch our recorded Transit and Transportation Virtual Open House to learn more about the creation of the LRTP recommended project list. This video provides an in-depth look at how the MPO, in collaboration with community partners and public input, identified and prioritized projects to improve mobility, safety, and connectivity across the region.
If you have any issues accessing the video above, please reach out to us directly.
Missoula LRTP Recommended Project List and Map
As part of the LRTP planning process, the MPO has developed a comprehensive list of recommended projects to address the region's future transportation needs. This list was shaped through community input, technical analysis, and collaboration with agency partners to balance regional priorities with fiscal constraints. The recommendations prioritize projects that enhance safety, improve active transportation, maintain and preserve existing infrastructure, and support multimodal connectivity while considering the region’s limited funding. Some projects are classified as grant-contingent or illustrative due to funding or feasibility constraints, ensuring flexibility to adapt to future opportunities.
The full project list can be explored through the Story Map embedded below. To view the Story Map in full screen click here.
An interactive project map can be found here, which allows for filtering projects by recommendation. This map also includes project extents, descriptions, and costs. The full project list can also be found here in PDF format.
To leave a comment in regard to the Recommend Project List, leave a comment at the bottom of thisEngage Pageor by clicking the link here.
Recommended Programs and Policies
The LRTP also allows the MPO to identify priorities for programs and policies that support the region's transportation needs. A draft list of these initiatives is available for public review here. Building on the recommendations from the previous LRTP, the MPO continues to focus on key next steps, including implementing the recently developed Street Typologies and addressing future study needs that will require collaboration with partners and additional funding. The plan also emphasizes publishing toolkits to guide the implementation of neighborhood greenways, traffic calming and speed management, and complete street pop-up projects.
The following programs and policies emerged as near-term priorities:
Prioritize funding improvements for Safe Routes to School.
Identify pathways to prioritize snow removal and sweeping for all modes.
Update the maintenance database to improve pavement conditions.
Publish toolkits to implement neighborhood greenways and safety countermeasures.
Implement recently developed street typologies and design guidelines.
Advance Transportation Demand Management (TDM) efforts with Code Reform.
Partner with organizations to improve community health through mobility options.
Eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries through Vision Zero efforts.
The full list of draft recommendations can be viewed here.
2023 Existing Conditions Report and Executive Summary
As we progress through the LRTP update we will share project documents as they are completed. These documents are located on the right side of this page, under "Planning Documents."
The Existing Conditions Report provides a comprehensive overview of Missoula’s regional planning context, focusing on population and employment patterns. It evaluates the current state of the transportation network, including roadways, transit, and multimodal infrastructure. This report lays the groundwork for future recommendations and improvements in Missoula's regional planning and transportation systems. The Executive Summary condenses the key findings of the Existing Conditions Report. It highlights important aspects of Missoula’s demographics, transit system performance, and multimodal transportation conditions, including roadways, bicycle, and pedestrian networks. This summary serves as a quick reference to the broader report’s insights, supporting the development of future plans and recommendations.
Public Engagement and Outreach
Engagement for this LRTP update and Transit Strategic Plan (TSP)is being conducted in three phases with a focus on communicating with a wide range of community voices in the Missoula area. Each phase was designed to gather and apply public feedback to aid in planning for Missoula’s transit and transportation needs. Phases I and II have been completed, while Phase III will be conducted during the first three weeks of December, providing the community an opportunity to see how public participation has shaped the planning process.
Phase I outreach spanned from April to June 2024with a focus on listening to the community’s transportation concerns and hopes for the future. This phase aimed to create awareness of the LRTP and TSP planning efforts as well as gather information on transportation needs/challenges and desired improvements. A variety of engagement activities were performed in Phase I, including:
Conducting discussion group meetings with organizations like the Diversity Advisory Council and the Midtown Implementation Committee.
Five advisory group meetings and six community partnership meetings.
Tabling events at the University of Montana, Missoula Farmers Market, and Downtown ToNight.
The feedback gathered from Phase I was used in the development of recommendations and potential projects which were presented to the public in Phase II. Phase II outreach wasconducted from July to September 2024, and focused on soliciting feedback from the community on the proposed recommendations and list of potential projects. Outreach activities in this phase included:
Attendance at seven general and neighborhood meetings, such as the Bonner Milltown Community Council and River Road Neighborhood Council General Meetings.
A virtual stakeholder workshop in Septemberwith community organizations to talk about and discuss potential transportation improvements.
One-on-one meetings with eleven community groups such as Missoula County Public Schools, Partnership Health Center, and Missoula Aging Services.
Tabling at 16 local schools and community events.
A public open house held in September where approximately 48 attendees engaged with interactive stations, comment cards, and one-on-one discussions with planners and staff.
An online public survey allowing the community to provide feedback on the proposed recommendations and potential projects. Altogether, 640 people participated.
Feedback received during this phase of outreach was used to refine the recommendations and develop the final project list.
MPO staff share information about the LRTP and collect feedback on projects at Missoula Sunday Streets.
MPO and Mountain Line staff share plan information and collect feedback at Missoula First Friday and Free Cycles.
What We've Heard So Far
As work on the LRTP continues we've learned about your vision for the future of the Missoula area and your ideas for solutions to help respond to current challenges. We heard that you want safe, comfortable, and reliable ways to get around the region. For some, that means better biking connections or safer places to walk; for others, that means a reliable way to drive or an efficient trip to work and services in transit. We know that when transportation is integrated with land use, we can support future growth and enhance the local economy without straining the transportation system or creating negative environmental impacts for future generations. As we grow, we need a transportation system that keeps pace—one that reflects our community’s character and supports a more livable, equitable, and sustainable region.
The LRTP includes five goals that reflect the needs, priorities, and outcomes of our region.
What's Next for the LRTP Update
The transportation values Missoula area residents have shared with us have shaped the foundation of this LRTP update. As we continue work on the plan in the coming months, we are focused on providing recommended projects, programs, and a draft final document for review.
We encourage you to continue to share your visions for the future of transportation in the region, along with ideas to make traveling in the Missoula area easier and safer.
The LRTP process identifies recommended transportation scenarios and projects.
The MPO Planning and Urbanized Areas
The Missoula MPO utilizes several boundaries to determine the scope and extent of the work outlined within the LRTP. Some Missoula County residents living outside city limits are within the MPO Planning Area and Urbanized Area.
The MPOPlanning Area is Missoula’s 20-year projected growth area. Within the Planning Area is the Urbanized Area; a federal designation based on census data. The MPO can spend Federal Highway Administration Urban Funds on infrastructure and services within this boundary. The Urbanized Area is larger than the extent of the City – meaning some County residents live in the Urbanized Area.
You can use our map below (or click here to open in a new tab) to find out if you live within the MPO Planning Area or Urbanized Area. The LRTP Project Mapshows the current projects included within the LRTP and their extent in the region.
The LRTP planning process extends beyond city limits and includes portions of Missoula County.
Mountain Line Transit Strategic Plan
The Missoula MPO's LRTP is being planned concurrently with Mountain Line's Transit Strategic Plan. To learn more about the Transit Strategic Plan and leave comments related to transit service in Missoula, please visit their Engage Missoula page.
Share your questions and ideas for Missoula’s transportation system below. Return to this page, or subscribe on the right, as we continue to share project updates in the coming months.