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Public Forum: Missoula City-County Animal Control Center
Share Public Forum: Missoula City-County Animal Control Center on Facebook Share Public Forum: Missoula City-County Animal Control Center on Twitter Share Public Forum: Missoula City-County Animal Control Center on Linkedin Email Public Forum: Missoula City-County Animal Control Center linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: This Public Forum was heard on July 8, 2024. This case is now closed for comment.
City of Missoula Community Planning, Development, and Innovation has received a notice from OZ Architects on behalf of the Missoula City-County Animal Control Center of their intent to expand their facility on Butler Creek Rd, just south of I-90. The proposal includes remodeling and expanding the existing facility and adding fire suppression. The subject property is located at 6700 Butler Creek Rd, Missoula, MT 59808 and is owned by the Missoula County Airport Industrial District. The proposed project includes adding approximately 4,300 square feet of office and kennel spaces.
The proposed scope of work for the project is not permitted in Title 20 zoning code. Animal Services, Shelter/Boarding is not a permitted use in the M1-2 Limited Industrial / Missoula Development Park (MDP) Overlay zoning district, where this building is located (Title 20, Section 20.25.075.F.1.b). Expansion of an existing, legal-non conforming use into a new building addition is prohibited.
There are multiple landscaping requirements the applicant will not be meeting, including: boulevard landscaping, natural grasses standards in the MDP Overlay, fence type, height, and locations, and landscape buffers. Title 20, Section 20.25.075.I requires boulevard landscaping. The applicant will not be planting additional boulevard trees, if approved by the urban forester. Two fences are proposed for dog runs and will be 7 feet tall if approved by Engineering. Fences may not exceed five feet in height (20.25.075.L.2). The Missoula Development Park Overlay requires the front yard to contain a maximum of 20% natural grasses (20.25.075.H.1.a). The front yard will contain 69% natural grasses. Last, a landscape buffer is required along the southern property line which abuts a residential use (20.65.060). The Animal Shleter will not be installing a buffer; however, there is an existing berm along this property line.
City Council is authorized by state law to hold a public hearing, known as a public forum, when a public agency proposes to use public land contrary to the local zoning regulations. The public agency in this case is the Missoula County Airport Industrial District which is a County agency. City Council does not have the power to deny or condition the approval of the project. The proposed use is permitted regardless of the outcome of the hearing. However, public comment is greatly appreciated.
The application packet can be viewed here:
The hearing date is scheduled for July 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM. Information on how to attend the meeting virtually or in-person is posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearing is closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula offices, Attn: Kristin Spadafore, at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting.
Your comments may be considered by the Missoula City-County Animal Control Center when moving forward with their proposal.
The project planner is Kristin Spadafore and can be reached at (406) 552-6512, or
1 comment
Tavern Conditional Use Request: Westside Theater – 1200 Shakespeare St. Suite 2
Share Tavern Conditional Use Request: Westside Theater – 1200 Shakespeare St. Suite 2 on Facebook Share Tavern Conditional Use Request: Westside Theater – 1200 Shakespeare St. Suite 2 on Twitter Share Tavern Conditional Use Request: Westside Theater – 1200 Shakespeare St. Suite 2 on Linkedin Email Tavern Conditional Use Request: Westside Theater – 1200 Shakespeare St. Suite 2 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: The conditional use request was approved on January 22, 2024. This case is now closed for comment.
Development Services has received a conditional use request from David Gray from DVG Architecture and Planning on behalf of the Westside Theater to add tavern use to the existing Westside Theater located at 1200 Shakespeare Street Suite 2. The tavern conditional use will be located in Suite 2 in addition to the existing use of Entertainment and Spectator Sports - Small Venue for Westside Theater. Existing uses on the subject property include Business Equipment Sales and Service, Building Maintenance Service, Car Wash/Cleaning Service, and Sports & Recreation – Participant.
The subject property is zoned Limited Industrial-Residential (M1R-2). According to Title 20, Section 20.15.020, a Tavern use requires conditional use approval to operate in the M1R-2 zoning district. Title 20, Section 20.105.040 defines a Tavern use as, “an establishment that is primarily engaged in serving alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises and in which the serving of prepared food and meals constitutes less than 65% of the establishment's gross income. Taverns and nightclubs may offer live entertainment and dancing.”
Westside Theater intends to sell alcoholic beverages at events. City Council will either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the conditional use request.
Westside Theater is in City Council Ward 2 and the Westside Neighborhood Council.
The application packet can be viewed here:
Land Use & Planning Committee: January 10, 2024, time TBD – Informational meeting only. Schedule public hearing.
City Council: January 22, 2024, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing and Final Consideration
Information on how to attend the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams or in person can be found online at:
Public comment will be taken until the public hearing is closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the City Council public meeting on January 22nd, 2024, at 6:00pm. Your comments may be considered by the City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.
The project planner is Zoe Walters and can be reached at 406-552-6399 or
Rezoning/Release of Deed Restriction: 550 N California St. Missoula Youth Homes
Share Rezoning/Release of Deed Restriction: 550 N California St. Missoula Youth Homes on Facebook Share Rezoning/Release of Deed Restriction: 550 N California St. Missoula Youth Homes on Twitter Share Rezoning/Release of Deed Restriction: 550 N California St. Missoula Youth Homes on Linkedin Email Rezoning/Release of Deed Restriction: 550 N California St. Missoula Youth Homes linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: The rezoning request was approved on December 18, 2023. This case is now closed for comment.
Development Services has received a request from MMW Architects representing Missoula Youth Homes to rezone the property addressed 550 N. California St. from Missoula Youth Homes PUD to C1-3 Neighborhood Commercial with a DE-D Design Excellence Downtown Gateway Overlay. The current Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning allows a 16-bed youth home which is considered a group living use. Missoula Youth Homes is able to accommodate youths that need this service at their other three shelters. They would like to use this structure for administrative offices in addition to a few medical offices offering outpatient therapeutic services. The need to allow other uses at the site is the reason for the rezoning request. For more information, see the cover letter in the application packet.
There is currently a deed restriction on the property from 1991 stating that the property may only be used for low to moderate income housing. The youth homes complied with this restriction. In order to allow the property to be used for offices supporting the needs of Missoula Youth Homes, the deed restriction must be released. The public hearing for the rezoning will include a recommended motion to release the deed restriction.
City Council will either approve or deny the rezoning request. The requested zoning district is a standard zoning districts that applies equally to other areas of the city with the same zoning. City Council cannot subject the rezoning approval to conditions because State Law prohibits conditions to standard zoning districts.
The Missoula Youth Homes PUD zoning allows for a 16-bed youth attention home and offices accessory to the home. The PUD zoning, established in 1991, also allows for a 6-unit apartment building. The PUD states this apartment building was to be constructed at a later date, however no such building exists. The uses and development options within the PUD are very limited. The C1-3 Neighborhood Commercial district allows for various commercial and civic uses as well as a few limited industrial uses. The C1-3 district also allows residential development at a density of 1 unit per 1,000 square feet of parcel area. All residential building types including multi-dwelling, townhouse, duplex, and detached house are permitted. The maximum height of the C1-3 district is 65 feet. The Design Excellence Overlay is a zoning overlay that adds additional development standards to the base zoning district. The Downtown Gateway Design Excellence subdistrict applies to surrounding properties with commercial zoning and should be applied to this property as well.
Information on the C1-3 Neighborhood Commercial zoning designation and the Design Excellence Overlay can be found in Title 20, Sections 2.10, 20.25.080, and 20.25.081 at the following link:
Rezoning FAQ’s are available on the righthand side of the Development Applications page on Engage Missoula.
The subject property is in the Westside Neighborhood Council and City Council Ward 2.
The application packet can be viewed here:
City Council: Monday November 27, 2023 at 6:00 pm – Consent Agenda. First Reading of Ordinance.
Planning Board: Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing
City Council: Monday, December 11, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing
Land Use and Planning Committee: Wednesday, December 13, 2023, (Time TBD) – Informational Meeting
City Council: Monday, December 18, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration & Vote on Rezoning Request/Deed Restriction
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by Monday December 4th, 2023 for the comment to be provided to Planning Board. Your comments may be considered by Planning Board and City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.
All meetings will be held in a hybrid format, in person at the City Council chambers and virtually via Microsoft TEAMs, with more information to be posted here: link)
The project planner is Cassie Tripard. She can be reached at (406) 552-6673 or
Phased Development Review: West End Homes Subdivision Ph. 1
Share Phased Development Review: West End Homes Subdivision Ph. 1 on Facebook Share Phased Development Review: West End Homes Subdivision Ph. 1 on Twitter Share Phased Development Review: West End Homes Subdivision Ph. 1 on Linkedin Email Phased Development Review: West End Homes Subdivision Ph. 1 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: The Phased Development Review request was approved by City Council on November 6th, 2023. This case is now closed for comment.
The subdivider is preparing to file the final plat and create the lots for Phase 1 of the West End Homes Subdivision, approved by City Council on January 9th, 2023. The West End Homes Subdivision is located west of Flynn Lane on Tract E-1 of Certificate of Survey No. 6889 and Tract D of Certificate of Survey No. 6850. Phase 1 includes a large park north of Hellgate Elementary School and 56 lots to be located on England Boulevard. State Law requires City Council to hold a public hearing before each phase of a subdivision proceeds with installation of infrastructure and filing a final plat. City Council will review any changes in regulations or circumstances since approval of preliminary plat for the subdivision. Any new information that may create significant impacts previously not considered by City Council will be considered with the Phased Development Review Process.
No applicable regulations have changed since the preliminary plat approval. There are several pieces of new pieces of information. Some items are identified in the application cover letter while other items have been identified by staff. New information includes:
- City Engineering secured funding for the trail running along Flynn Lane. Installation of the trail by the developer will no longer be required. Improvements to Flynn Lane are now required with each abutting phase rather than all with Phase 1.
- The Sxwtpqyen Special Transportation Fee is tied to building permit approval rather than filing of the Phase 1 final plat. This aligns with actual City process.
- The City is initiating a change to the timing of payment on the Special Sewer and Water fees. This will be handled via agreement, with a possibility of the fee being split between Phase 1 and Phase 2, rather than all with Phase 1. The agreement would go in front of Council for approval.
- Public Works & Mobility is no longer creating new Special Improvement Lighting Districts (SILD). The related condition of approval would no longer required creation of a SILD, but still will require installation of street lighting on collector streets.
- An additional trail was initially proposed through the parkland. City plans have been updated to create a better connection between development to the west and Hellgate Elementary School. The trail is no longer planned to be within the subdivision and the subdivider would not be required to install this trail.
- Bioswales in boulevards were installed with the Mullan BUILD Grant. The developer now would only be required to landscape the bioswales instead of installing the infrastructure.
The property is within the Captain John Mullan Neighborhood Council and City Council Ward 2.
The application, preliminary plat, and other materials can be viewed here:
The City Council public hearing and final consideration is scheduled for November 6th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
The Land Use and Planning Committee pre-public hearing informational meeting is scheduled for October 25th, 2023 (time TBD).
Information on how to attend the meetings virtually or in-person is posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting.
The project planner is Cassie Tripard, who can be reached at or 406-552-6673.
Subdivision and Annexation: Sapphire Place
Share Subdivision and Annexation: Sapphire Place on Facebook Share Subdivision and Annexation: Sapphire Place on Twitter Share Subdivision and Annexation: Sapphire Place on Linkedin Email Subdivision and Annexation: Sapphire Place linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: The annexation and subdivision preliminary plat were approved by City Council on June 26th, 2023. This case is now closed for comment.
Development Services has received a request from IMEG Corp., on behalf of Cathcart Properties Inc., for a 39-lot major residential subdivision and annexation of 18 acres located west of Flynn Lane on Tract 2-A of Certificate of Survey No. 6689. The proposed subdivision is named Sapphire Place.
The project is within the Sxwtpqyen Neighborhoods Master Plan area and must comply with the Sxwtpqyen Neighborhoods Form Based Zoning Code (Title 21). Title 21 Form Based Zoning Code regulates street types, block perimeters, minimum and maximum densities, lots sizes, ratio of zoning districts (transect zones), land uses, design and more. Title 21 requires that City Council either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the master site plan.
To comply with the Form Based Zoning Code, the applicant requests zoning upon annexation of Title 21 transect zones: OS Open Space (2.6 acres), T3 Neighborhood Edge (1.06 acres), T4-O Neighborhood General – Open (4.56 acres), T4-R Neighborhood General – Restricted (1.92 acres) and T5 Mixed-Use Center(3.71 acres). The T3 transect zone primarily permits residential uses at a density of 6 to 8 dwelling units per acre, some civic uses, and some educational uses. The T4-R transect zone primarily permits residential uses at a density of 12 to 36 dwelling units per acre, some civic, and some educational uses. The T4-O transect zone primarily permits residential uses at 12 to 36 dwelling units per acre, small scale lodging, commercial, some civic, and some educational uses. The T5 zone permits residential uses at 24 to 72 units per acre, the highest intensity and mix of uses with buildings located close to the sidewalk. The applicant is proposing to preserve historic buildings onsite and to dedicate parkland equivalent to 2.2 acres.
The applicant is requesting variances to Article 3, Section 3-030.1.C.3 of the City Subdivision Regulations which requires each lot to abut and have access to a public or private street or road.
The application, preliminary plat, and other materials can be viewed here:
City Council: June 5th, 2023 at 6:00pm – Adopt Resolution of Intent to Annex, set the City Council Public Hearing, and referral to Land Use and Planning Committee
Planning Board: June 6th, 2023 at 6:00pm – Public hearing
Land Use and Planning Committee: June 7th, 2023 (Time TBD) Pre-public hearing informational only meeting
City Council: June 12th, 2023, at 6:00pm – City Council public hearing
Land Use and Planning Committee: June 21st, 2023 (time TBD) – Discussion and Motions
City Council: June 26th, 2023 at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by May 30, 2023 be included in the staff report provided to Planning Board and City Council. Your comments may be considered by City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.
The project planner is Dave DeGrandpre who can be reached at (406) 529-0709 or
Comments may also be submitted on this page, by email to, or by mail to Development Services, Attn: Dave DeGrandpre at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, Montana, 59802. Written comment will be taken up until the public hearing is closed.
Review the City Annexation Policy here:
4-010.14.A. Prerequisites for Approval.
- The City Council may not approve or conditionally approve a subdivision application and preliminary plat unless the proposed subdivision:
- Provides easements for the location and installation of any planned utilities;
- Provides legal and physical access to each parcel within the subdivision and the notation of that access on the applicable plat and any instrument transferring the parcel;
- Assures that all required public improvements will be installed before final plat approval, or that such installation after final plat approval will be guaranteed as provided by Article 5 of the subdivision regulations; and
- Will comply with the requirements of Montana Code Annotated 76-3-504 regarding the disclosure and disposition of water rights.
4-010.14.B. Consideration - Standards.
In approving, conditionally approving or denying a subdivision application and preliminary plat, the City Council must consider whether the proposed subdivision complies with:
- The City of Missoula Subdivision Regulations including but not limited to the design standards set forth in Article 3;
- Applicable zoning regulations;
- Any other applicable local, state, and federal regulations; and
- The Montana Subdivision and Planning Act, including but not limited to the following impacts
- Impact on agriculture;
- Impact on agriculture water user facilities;
- Impact on local services;
- Impact on the natural environment;
- Impact on wildlife;
- Impact on wildlife habitat; and
- Impact on public health and safety.
Public Forum: Airport Motor Vehicle Repair
Share Public Forum: Airport Motor Vehicle Repair on Facebook Share Public Forum: Airport Motor Vehicle Repair on Twitter Share Public Forum: Airport Motor Vehicle Repair on Linkedin Email Public Forum: Airport Motor Vehicle Repair linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: The public forum took place on March 6, 2023. The case is now closed for comment.
City of Missoula Community Planning, Development, and Innovation department has received a notice from Missoula County Airport Authority that they leased spaced to Krusers Mobile Services LLC an automobile servicing business on May 26, 2020. The subject property is located at 4955 Aviation Way. The leased space includes a commercial building with 1,458 square feet of office space, 2,012 square feet of shop/garage space and 7,650 square feet of paved parking area. Krusers will provide their services to other airport tenants.
The proposed use of Motor Vehicle Repair, a subclass of Vehicle Sales and Services, is not an allowed use in the A, Aviation Zoning District (Title 20, Chapter 20.20.020).
Please see the link below for the full application.
The Missoula County Airport Authority is a government agency and City Council is authorized to hold a public hearing when an agency proposes to develop or use public land contrary to these zoning regulations (Title 20, Chapter 20.85.095.A). City Council shall hold the public hearing as a public forum and shall have no power to deny or condition the proposed use but shall act only to allow a public forum for comment on the proposed use (Title 20, Chapter 20.85.095.E).
The application packet can be viewed here:
The hearing date is scheduled for March 6th, 2023 at 6:00 PM. Information on how to attend the meetings virtually or in-person is posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearing is closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting.
Provide your comment by February 21st, 2023 to be included in the staff report provided to City Council. Your comments may be considered by the Missoula County Airport Authority when moving forward with their proposal.
The project planner is Trey Reinhardt and can be reached at (406) 552-6041, or
Conditional Use: Hellgate Village West Townhome Exemption Development
Share Conditional Use: Hellgate Village West Townhome Exemption Development on Facebook Share Conditional Use: Hellgate Village West Townhome Exemption Development on Twitter Share Conditional Use: Hellgate Village West Townhome Exemption Development on Linkedin Email Conditional Use: Hellgate Village West Townhome Exemption Development linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: On April 3, 2023 City Council voted to approve the conditional use townhome exemption development. This case is now closed for comment.
An application is under review for a Conditional Use request for a Townhome Exemption Development (TED) at the unaddressed property located southeast of Hellgate Elementary, east of Flynn Lane, immediately adjacent to the West of Mary Jane Boulevard. The subject parcel is currently vacant.
This proposal includes a 33-unit residential development and is the second of two planned developments bordering Mary Jane Boulevard: Hellgate Village East, approved as a TED Conditional Use in 2021, and Hellgate Village West, the TED Conditional Use currently requesting approval in 2023. The project proposes detached house and townhouse building types.
The applicant began the planning process with Development Services under Ordinance #3609. This is not the current TED Ordinance. The City Attorney’s Office issued a letter stating that Ordinance #3609 will apply to this project. The subject property is zoned B2-1 Community Business. Per Title 20, Section 20.05.040 Figure 20.05-7 under Ordinance #3609, Townhome Exemption Developments of ten or more units in the B2-1 zoning district require conditional use approval in accordance with the provisions of Title 20, Section 20.85.070.
Review criteria for conditional uses can be found in Section 20.85.070.H of the Missoula Title 20 Zoning Code.
The subject property is in the Captain John Mullan Neighborhood, and City Council Ward 2. The current Land Use designation for this property is Neighborhood Mixed-Use.
City Council: Monday, March 13, 2023, at 6:00 – Consent Agenda, 1st reading of ordinance, set Council Public Hearing, & refer item to Land Use and Planning Committee
City Council: Monday, March 27, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing
Land Use and Planning Committee: Wednesday, March 29, 2023, (Time TBD) – Informational Meeting
City Council: Monday, April 3, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration & Vote on Conditional Use Request
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by Tuesday, March 7, 2023, to be included in the staff report provided to City Council. Your comments may be considered by Planning Board and City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.
All meetings will be held in a hybrid format, in person at the City Council chambers and virtually via Microsoft TEAMs, with more information to be posted here: (External link)
The project planner is Madson Matthias. They can be reached at (406) 552-6093 or
City Private Development Page – Application:
Minor Subdivision 316 & 320 Expressway - Grant Creek Phase II Lot 22
Share Minor Subdivision 316 & 320 Expressway - Grant Creek Phase II Lot 22 on Facebook Share Minor Subdivision 316 & 320 Expressway - Grant Creek Phase II Lot 22 on Twitter Share Minor Subdivision 316 & 320 Expressway - Grant Creek Phase II Lot 22 on Linkedin Email Minor Subdivision 316 & 320 Expressway - Grant Creek Phase II Lot 22 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: City Council approved the subdivision. This case is now closed for comment.
An application is under review for a two-lot minor subdivision at 316 and 320 Expressway. One additional lot will be created if the subdivision is approved. The parcel currently contains two offices. The subdivision, if approved, will result in each office being on its own separate parcel. City Council may vote to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request.
Key Dates:
Land Use and Planning Committee: December 14th, 2022 (time TBD)
City Council: December 19th, 2022 6:00 pm
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public meeting are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by Friday, December 5th, 2022, to be included in the staff report provided to City Council.
The project planner is Spencer Starke. They can be reached at (406) 552-6671 or
Important Links:
City Private Development Page – Full Application Packet
Public Meeting Agenda – How to Attend Virtual Meetings
Variance Request: Montana Food Bank Network
Share Variance Request: Montana Food Bank Network on Facebook Share Variance Request: Montana Food Bank Network on Twitter Share Variance Request: Montana Food Bank Network on Linkedin Email Variance Request: Montana Food Bank Network linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: On November 29, 2022 Board of Adjustment approved the variance requests. This case is now closed for comment.
A public hearing was scheduled for October 26th, 2022 however a quorum was not met. The Board of Adjustment has called a Special Meeting for November 29th, 2022 to hear the variance requests of the Montana Food Bank Network. Staff are re-noticing the project for the upcoming hearing. No changes have been made to the application packet. Agency comments submitted during the first agency comment period are included in the staff report.
Development Services has received a request from Luke Jackson with Loci Architecture & Design on behalf of the Montana Food Bank Network, for variances from the building height, front yard setback, parking and drive surface setback from property line, and parking and drive surface setback from building requirements of the Missoula Development Park Overlay for the property legally described as Lot 2 & Lot 5 in Maggie Jax Subdivision, Section 36, Township 14 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M. The applicant is requesting these variances as part of a proposal to construct a Montana Food Bank distribution warehouse to meet current and immediate food distribution needs across the state of Montana. These variance requests are in response to the property existing on a steep slope creating 114,836 square feet of no build-area.
The application packet can be viewed here:
The public hearing will be held by the Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, November 29th, 2022, at 6:00 pm.
Information on how to attend the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams and whether a hybrid or in-person option is available can be found online at:
Public comment will be taken until the public hearing is closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the Board of Adjustment public meeting on November 29th, 2022, at 6:00pm. Your comments may be considered by the Board of Adjustment in their decision to approve or deny this request.
The project planner is Zoe Walters and can be reached at 406-552-6399 or
1725 Cooper Street 5-unit TED
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Townhome Exemption Development Required Notification - Application No: 2022-MSS-ZCP-00020
The City of Missoula Development Services has received a Zoning Compliance Permit from Marisa Kramer of Paradigm Architecture on behalf of the property owner, Cooper Street Group LLC, for a Townhouse Exemption Development (TED) located at 1725 Cooper Street, legally described as Lots 5 and 6, and a portion of Lot 7 of Block 85 in the School Addition, in Section 16, Township 13 North, Range 19 West. An exhibit of the location is provided below.
The project consists of five (5) TED ownership units, one detached house and two two-unit townhouses. The proposed site plan is included with this letter.
Title 20, Section 20.05.040.D.4 requires that all TED projects of more than five (5) dwelling units be notified by mail to all owners of property within 150 feet of the subject parcel at least fifteen (15) days before a zoning compliance permit is issued.
The purpose of this notification is to make you aware of this permit request in your neighborhood. This development is a permitted use, and no public hearing is required for its approval. Please contact Development Services if you need further information, telephone (406) 552-6625, or by email to You can also comment on this project at