HMH's Section 104(d) One-for-One Replacement Plan
In Program Year 2022, the Poverello Center was awarded Community Block Development funds (CDBG) for help expanding and improving their Housing Montana Heroes veterans program (HMH). As a part of this project, the Poverello Center will be converting and rehabilitating the Clark Fork Inn Apartments at 1010 West Broadway to include 17-20 transitional housing units.
Renovation of the Clark Fork Inn will increase capacity for both housing and support services specifically dedicated to veterans. Support services at the facility will include case management assistance to obtain permanent and stable housing.
All occupied or vacant lower-income dwelling units that are to be demolished or converted to another use (ie: transitional housing) as part of a CDBG- or HOME-funded project must be replaced in the community in accordance with Section 104(d), 24 CFR 42.375.
The joint City of Missoula/Missoula County One-for-One Replacement Plan outlines the replacement of those units. You can find the plan in the sidebar under Documents. The plan will be updated as the project continues.
To receive a copy of the plan, to review it in an alternative format, or to request special accommodations in order to participate, please contact Karen or Kendra (see sidebar); or contact the Montana Relay Service at TTY 711.
Para versiones en español, comuníquese con Desarrollo Comunitario al 406-552-6630. Los comentarios son bienvenidos y alentados.