Did the City of Missoula raise taxes this year?

    General taxes did go up this year.

    In FY 20, 21, and 22 all City tax levies went down. A homeowner’s tax bill may have gone up if their assessed value went up, but the City was trying very hard to keep tax levies stable during the pandemic. It was not sustainable which is a large part of the reason that tax levies had to increase for FY23.

    Why is the Park District so much higher on this year's tax bill?

    In prior years, the general fund contributed money to the park district. For fiscal year 2023 we stopped using the general fund to support the Park District and moved all expenses for Parks and Recreation into the Parks District.  Therefore, folks may think that their park district assessment went through the roof when it reflects the movement of that portion of their tax bill from general taxes to park district assessments.  

    Taxes for fiscal year 2023 were mailed out in October 2022.

    How do I view and pay my property taxes?

    You can view and pay your property taxes on Missoula County's website.