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Phased Development Review: Rattlesnake Hills Estates Planned Unit Development (PUD) Multi-Dwelling Development
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Development Services has received a request from Paradigm V3 Architects, on behalf of the Peschel family, for design review of the multi-dwelling development in Phase 7 of Rattlesnake Hills Estates Planned Unit Development (PUD). The subject property is located west of Greenough Drive and is accessed from Minckler Loop.
Rattlesnake Hills Estates PUD was initially approved by the Missoula City Council on December 19, 1994, subject to seven conditions of approval. See enclosed PUD approval letter. The conditions of approval require building plans, elevations, complete site plan, and landscape plan for all types of proposed structures to be submitted to and approved by the governing body (City Council). The subdivision has been granted several phasing plan amendments. Enclosed is the Rattlesnake Hills Phasing Amendment approval letter dated June 17th, 2013, extending the deadline for Phase 7 to December 24th, 2024.
At this time the applicant requests review of the design for six multi-dwelling buildings (a total of 42 dwelling units) as shown in the attached exhibits.
The application can be viewed here under “Rattlesnake Hills Estates Panned Unit Development (PUD) Multi-Dwelling Development:
Land Use and Planning Committee meeting for a motion and vote will be held Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 time to be determined.
City Council meeting will be Monday, January 13th, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. for the consent agenda or committee reports.
Information on how to attend the meetings virtually or in-person is posted here:
Please note this item will go to Land Use and Planning Committee on Wednesday January 8th, time to be determined, for public comment and a vote on the motion. This item will then go to City Council meeting Monday, January 13th at 6:00pm and will either be placed on the Consent Agenda, where comments will be taken as a whole, or Committee Reports, where comments will be taken on each scheduled item. There will be no presentation for Consent Agenda or Committee Reports.
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting.
The project planner is Alex Bramlette, who can be reached at or 406-552-6052.