Category Neighborhood: Miller Creek Show all
Phasing Plan Amendment: Linda Vista Estates Subdivision
Share Phasing Plan Amendment: Linda Vista Estates Subdivision on Facebook Share Phasing Plan Amendment: Linda Vista Estates Subdivision on Twitter Share Phasing Plan Amendment: Linda Vista Estates Subdivision on Linkedin Email Phasing Plan Amendment: Linda Vista Estates Subdivision linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: The phasing plan amendment request was approved on November 18th, 2024. This case is now closed for comment.
Development Services received a request from IMEG Corp. on behalf of Lloyd A. Twite Family Partnership, for a phasing plan amendment request for Linda Vista Estates Subdivision, Phases 3, 4, and 5 located at 7855 Lower Miller Creek Rd, Missoula, Montana, 59803. The property is at the southern end of Missoula City limits and is surrounded by County property. Lower Miller Creek Road runs east and west through the subdivision.
This property is 94.568 acres and legally described as Tract 2 of COS 6355 Less Linda Vista Estates Subdivision, Phase 1, located in Section 13, Township 12 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M. Missoula County, Montana.
Phases 3 and 4 are zoned R5.4 Residential, and Phase 5 is zoned RM2.7 Residential (Multi-Dwelling). The applicant is requesting to extend the final plat submittal deadlines for all three phases to January 26, 2029. The subdivision preliminary plat is already approved. This request is to allow the subdivider more time to file the final subdivision plats.
The applicant is requesting to extend the deadlines for final plat submittal for these phases due to economic factors (material costs, supply shortages, etc.) and contractor availability delays. It is anticipated that the planned infrastructure and utility extensions for Phases 3 and 4 will result in these two phases being filed concurrently.
The subdivision includes a central 6.84 public park just south of Lower Miller Creek Road, and a central common area leading from the park to a common area along the southern boundary of Phases 3 and 4. Phases 3 and 4 include single dwelling lots and Phase 5 is a multi-dwelling lot for up to 132 dwelling units.
The application, preliminary plat, and other materials can be viewed here:
Land Use and Planning Committee: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, (Time TBD)
City Council: Monday, November 18, 2024, at 6:30 PM
All meetings will be held in a hybrid format, with the option to attend in-person or virtually via Microsoft TEAMs.
City Council meetings will be held in City Council Chambers (140 W Pine St.) Meeting agendas and information will be posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the meetings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula Development Services office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by Wednesday, October 30, 2024, to accompany the staff report provided to City Council. Your comments will be considered by City Council in their decision to approve or deny this request.
The project planners are Kristin Spadafore, who can be reached at (406) 552-6152 or
Deemed Sufficient for Preliminary Plat Review prior to May 8, 2017
(1) The subdivider must submit the final plat or request a phasing plan extension/amendment to the approval period, prior to the submittal deadline of the City Council approved phasing plan. If an extension or amendment has not been requested prior to the deadline the preliminary plat approval is expired.
(2) Final plats of subdivision approved for phased development must be filed sequentially in accordance with the approval.
D. All phases must be submitted for review and approved, or denied, within 20 years of the preliminary plat approval of the phased development application.
E. The governing body shall issue a written statement of the decision which shall include supplemental findings of fact for any additional conditions imposed
Phased Development Review: Riverfront Trails Subdivision Phase 1A
Share Phased Development Review: Riverfront Trails Subdivision Phase 1A on Facebook Share Phased Development Review: Riverfront Trails Subdivision Phase 1A on Twitter Share Phased Development Review: Riverfront Trails Subdivision Phase 1A on Linkedin Email Phased Development Review: Riverfront Trails Subdivision Phase 1A linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: On April 17, 2023 City Council voted to approve the phased development review. This case is now closed for comment.
The subdivider is preparing to file the final plat and create the lots for Phase 1A of the Riverfront Trails Subdivision, approved by City Council on December 12, 2022. The Riverfront Trails Subdivision is located at 6525 Miller Creek Road, next to Jeanette Rankin Elementary School. Phase 1A includes Lots 1 and 2, the large park lots, and access to the park. State Law requires City Council to hold a public hearing before each phase of a subdivision proceeds with installation of infrastructure and filing a final plat. City Council will review any changes in regulations since approval of preliminary plat for the subdivision and any new information that may create significant adverse impacts previously not considered by City Council.
No regulations have changed since the preliminary plat approval. There are only two new pieces of information. Included in the application packet is an updated Lower Miller Creek Road and Old Bitterroot Road Roundabout Analysis. Additionally, a minor plat adjustment was approved which shifts the roundabout south onto the subdivision site, slightly modifies Lot 2, and straightens out Drago Lane. The minor adjustment is represented on the draft final plat in the application packet.
The property is within the Miller Creek Neighborhood Council and City Council Ward 5.
The application, preliminary plat, phasing plan, and other materials can be viewed here:
The City Council public hearing and final consideration is scheduled for April 17th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
The Land Use and Planning Committee pre-public hearing informational meeting is scheduled for April 12th 2023 (time TBD).
Information regarding how to attend the meetings virtually or in-person is posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting. Provide your comment by Tuesday, April 4th, 2023, to be included in the staff report provided to City Council.
The project planner is Cassie Tripard, who can be reached at or 406-552-6673.
Annexation: Alisha Drive - Linda Vista
Share Annexation: Alisha Drive - Linda Vista on Facebook Share Annexation: Alisha Drive - Linda Vista on Twitter Share Annexation: Alisha Drive - Linda Vista on Linkedin Email Annexation: Alisha Drive - Linda Vista linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UDPATE: On May 8, 2023 City Council approved the request to annex Tract 3 of C.O.S. Number 6355 into the Missoula City limits. This case is now closed for comment.
The City of Missoula is reviewing a petition from Toby Dumont of Professional Consultants Inc., on behalf of property owner Scott Twite, requesting annexation into the City of Missoula in order to fulfill a condition of approval for a boundary line relocation at 6991 Alisha Drive. The 10.62 acres, legally described as a portion of Tract 3 of Certificate of Survey No. 6355, located in the Northeast one-quarter of Section 13, Township 12 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., will be zoned Miller Creek View Addition Planned Unit Development upon annexation.
The parcel would be added to City Council Ward 5 and the Miller Creek Neighborhood Council.
The application packet can be viewed here: link)
City Council: April 17th, 2023 at 6:00 pm, Adopt Resolution of Intent to Annex, Set Public Hearing, and Referral to the City Council Land Use and Planning Committee on Consent Agenda.
City Council: Monday May 1st, 2023, at 6:00 pm – City Council public hearing.
Land Use and Planning Committee: Wednesday May 3rd, 2023 (Time TBD) – Post-public hearing informational item.
City Council: Monday May 8th, 2023, at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration on Resolution to Annex
All meetings will be held in person at City Council Chambers at 140 W. Pine Street and virtually online, with more information to be posted here: link)
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula Development Services office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meetings. Provide your comment by Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, to be included in the staff report provided to City Council. Your comments will be considered by City Council in the decision to approve or deny this request.
The project planner is Tara Porcari. They can be reached at 406-552-6085 or
Annexation: Linda Vista 11th, 18th, and 19th Supplements
Share Annexation: Linda Vista 11th, 18th, and 19th Supplements on Facebook Share Annexation: Linda Vista 11th, 18th, and 19th Supplements on Twitter Share Annexation: Linda Vista 11th, 18th, and 19th Supplements on Linkedin Email Annexation: Linda Vista 11th, 18th, and 19th Supplements linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: On November 1st, 2021 City Council adopted the resolution to annex this property. This case is now closed for comment.
The City of Missoula is reviewing two petitions from the Lloyd A. Twite Family Partnership to annex the residential subdivisions known as the Linda Vista 18th and 19th Supplements into the City limits. Concurrently, the City of Missoula is seeking to annex the seven-lot residential Linda Vista 11th Supplement. Homeowners in the Linda Vista 11th Supplement have been receiving municipal sewer services since homes were constructed on the lots in 2001 and 2002. The property owners of Linda Vista 11th Supplement waived the right to protest annexation by the City of Missoula contingent upon receipt of municipal sewer service.
The Linda Vista 18th Supplement consists of 41 residential lots, streets, and common areas totaling 18.17 acres. Streets, sidewalks, and municipal utilities have been installed. Home construction is pending annexation and approval of building permits. This annexation includes public street segments for Miller Creek Road, Guinevere Drive, Maggie Mae Drive, and Max Drive.
The Linda Vista 19th Supplement consists of an existing 17-building, multi-dwelling development (an apartment complex) on 15.55 acres described as Tract 3A of Certificate of Survey # 6798. Although the property and apartment buildings are requested to be annexed, the internal roadways serving the homes would remain privately maintained.
The Linda Vista 11th Supplement final plat was approved in 2001. Each of the seven lots is developed with a home that is served by City sewer. Waiver of the right to protest annexation contingent upon the lots receiving municipal sewer is stated plainly on the final plat. Along with the lots, a segment of Joy Drive would also be annexed and maintained by the City of Missoula. The property is 2.45 acres, including 2.04 acres in lots and 0.41 acres in Joy Drive right-of-way.
The subject properties are zoned Planned Unit Development / Miller Creek View Addition, which is not proposed to change.
City Council is responsible for conducting a public hearing to either approve, conditionally approve, or deny this request.
The subject property will be located in the Miller Creek Neighborhood Council if the annexation is approved.
The annexation materials, including intakes, petitions, annexation exhibits, and final plat, can be viewed here:
City Council: October 25, 2021 at 6:00 pm – Public Hearing
Land Use & Planning Committee: October 27, 2021 (Time TBD) – Informational Meeting
City Council: November 1, 2020 at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration
All meetings will be held remotely, with more information to be posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting.
The project planner is Dave DeGrandpre. He can be reached at (406) 529-0709 or
Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Invermere Subdivision Phase 3A
Share Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Invermere Subdivision Phase 3A on Facebook Share Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Invermere Subdivision Phase 3A on Twitter Share Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Invermere Subdivision Phase 3A on Linkedin Email Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Invermere Subdivision Phase 3A linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: On May 24th, 2021 City Council adopted the resolution to annex this property. This case is now closed for comment.
An application is under review for an annexation and zoning upon annexation of R20 Residential for Phase 3A of the Invermere Subdivision. The 10.73-acre property consists of 19 residential lots, approximately 38,000 square feet of parkland, and an extension of Drake Lane. The property is surrounded on all sides by City limits and residential development. It is located between Linda Vista Boulevard and Miller Creek Road. If approved, this project would move the property from the County into the City. The existing Missoula County zoning of the subject property is C-RR2 Residential which permits 2 dwelling units per acre.
The application packet can be viewed here:
Intake Form:
Maps and Zoning:
City Council: May 3rd, 2021 at 6:00 pm – City Council Consent Agenda/ Adopt Resolution of Intent to Annex and Zone / Set City Council Public Hearing / Council refers item to Land Use and Planning Committee
City Council: May 17th, 2021 at 6:00 pm – City Council Public Hearing
Land Use and Planning Committee: May 19th, 2021 (Time TBD) – Informational meeting only
City Council: May 24th, 2021 at 6:00 pm – Final Consideration on Resolution to Annex
All meetings will be virtually via Zoom, with more information to be posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting. Provide your comment by Monday, May 3rd, 2021 to be included in the staff report provided to City Council.
The project planner is Dave DeGrandpre. He can be reached at (406) 529-0709 or
Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Birdie Court and Fox Den Court
Share Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Birdie Court and Fox Den Court on Facebook Share Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Birdie Court and Fox Den Court on Twitter Share Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Birdie Court and Fox Den Court on Linkedin Email Annexation & Zoning Upon Annexation: Birdie Court and Fox Den Court linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.UPDATE: On May 24th, 2021 City Council adopted the resolution to annex this property. This case is now closed for comment.
An application is under review for an annexation and zoning upon annexation of Fairway View Addition Planned Unit Development for 8,517 square feet of land located at 3946 Fox Den Court. The property is legally described as Portion ‘A’ of Lots A-1, Fairway View Addition, Lots A-1 and A-2 and Lot 3, Fairway View Addition, located in the South ½ of Section 1, Township 12 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M. If approved, this project would move the property from the County into the City. The existing Missoula County zoning of the subject property is C-RR2 Residential.
The application packet can be viewed here:
City Council: May 10th, 2021 at 6:00 pm – City Council Consent Agenda . Adopt Resolution of Intent to Annex and Zone / Set City Council Public Hearing / Council refers item to Land Use and Planning Committee
City Council: May 17th, 2021 at 6:00 pm – City Council public hearing
Land Use & Planning Committee: May 19th, 2021 time TBD – Informational meeting only
City Council: May 24th, 2021 at 6:00 pm – City Council final consideration
All meetings will be held virtually via Zoom, with more information posted here:
Public comment will be taken by City Council until the public hearings are closed. Comments can be submitted through Engage Missoula, via email to the planner noted below, by mailing in a letter to the City of Missoula office at 435 Ryman Street, Missoula, MT 59802, or during the public meeting. Provide your comment by Monday, May 3rd, 2021 to be included in the staff report provided to City Council.
The project planner is Alex Eidam. She can be reached at (406) 552-6052, or